Saturday, 5 June 2010

Floundering (1994)

Tagline: A post-riot comedy
Cusack plays: JC

This was, so far, the hardest film to get hold of. I had to import the DVD from the States. I was kind of hoping that the billing and picture on the cover meant that he would have a significant part. But no, he's only in one scene. Grr.

I get the feeling this 'comedy' and social commentary was a real collaborative effort and the people involved enjoyed being part of it. But as a viewer, its not that engaging. John (James Le Gros) 'flounders' in LA in the aftermath of the 1994 riots, thinking of how he could help others and improve the world, but lacking the motivation to do so. There are a bunch of disjointed and often imaginery scenes with various characters in his life.

it feels very 90s, and perhaps had some relevance and meaning at the time, but 16 years on, its dated at worst, retro at best. I found the singing and dancing by cast and crew over the end credits rather excruciating. At least JC just nods along and looks cool in his shades.

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