Cusack Plays: Joey Coyle, unemployed dockworker who finds $1.2 million which fell off the back of a truck.
If you are keen to see Cusack go blond and wear women's tights, this is the film for you! This comedy/drama is quite good fun as it follows Joey and his dilemmas when he finds a big old pile of cash. Obviously you would want to keep it, but its a crime to do so, the cops are looking for it and there's a reward for turning the culprit in. Joey's solutions? - get the mob to launder it, and try to stay cool. Hmm....
Also featuring performances by younger Benicio Del Toro, Philip S. Hoffman, and James 'Tony Soprano' Gandolfini (as Joey's big brother) this is certainly worth a watch. I particularly enjoyed John's Philly accent, and the scenes towards the end. It's actually based on a true story, with the sad postscript that the real Joey Coyle killed himself just before this film came out.